Tuesday 8 November 2005

Racism laws "failing"

A book, written for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, has stated that anti-racism laws have failed to combat the roots of prejudice.

The book says that whilst anti-racism legislation has made a difference in employment, it has failed to tackle "ingrained" prejudice.

Is this any true surprise? Prejudices are part of human nature. I'd bet that most people harbour some kind of prejudice, no matter how petty, small or extreme. Granted, people can argue as to whether human nature is fixed or can be altered, nevertheless human nature cannot be wished away by passing laws and increasing the scope of government.

Also, in a free society, who is to state what a person can or cannot believe? Exercising freedom of conscience doesn't violate others' rights, in themselves. They certainly do not initiate force or fraud against the person or property. In a libertarian society, anybody should be able to believe anything, no matter how offensive, extreme or loony. So, in essence, people should possess a RIGHT to be racist.

This just shows that government doesn't work. Anti-discrimination laws have been present since the 1970's in the UK and haven't produced their desired effect. With proper freedom of association, racists wouldn't have to associate with, or do business with, any member of a race they detested. Surely this would lead to a more harmonious society.